Precinct E
All politics is local.
If you elect me, I won't screw you


Thursday, May 03, 2012
Forgot all about this blog.

Well, I won, and served two years.  Then, my family and I moved.
There was already a chairperson for my new precinct, and I've been working with and learning from her all this time.

There are things I don't like, about my county party, though things are slowly changing as more conservative get involved. Read 'slowly' as glacial.

Two years ago, the Tea Party gave us amazing energy, and the only ones to fight it harder than the liberal Dems, were our own 'moderate' Republican leadership.

I was asked to not attend the central committee meetings, any more, when, after a rather heated exchange, the Chairman asked me, "What, you one of those teabaggers?"

I said, "Why, yes, I suppose I am!" Then I asked him, if he was a Democrat in disguise, bent on the destruction of America, or just the destruction of the Republican Party, and stated that He surely sounded like a liberal.

Hmm... Maybe I could have been more tactful...
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